About BISI
BISI is an Australian Company, born in the heart of Sydney, we are
dedicated to helping businesses, both large and small to expand their
opportunities and business success via innovative resourcing and new
Meet The Team
We’re a team of innovators embracing the future
Andrew Jakes is the Area Development Manager for Ace Body Corporate Management (NSW). Prior to joining Ace in 2005, Andrew was a Senior In-house Information Technology Consultant for five years at Macquarie, the Strata Industry’s leading bank. His previous IT career in local councils, telecommunications and finance spanned Australia, New Zealand and the UK and always had a strong focus on customer service.
From the start of his Ace career he was always looking for ways to introduce new technology efficiencies into strata management and was an early adopter of a cloud based system. Coming from an IT background, he’d also been exposed to outsourcing and recognised the enormous potential it held for the strata industry which led to the birth of BISI.
He is a member of the Licensed Manager Chapter of the Strata Community Association (NSW). His interests include golf, football (all codes), coaching, cycling and travel.
After graduating university with a degree in Banking and Financial Services, Chici Hadiyanti started her career in Customer Service at Global Nusantara International School before moving into the role of Customer Service Officer and Funding Advisor at Bank Central Asia where she remained for 8 years.
In May 2008, she became Andrew Jakes’ Online Assistant for Ace BCM (NSW). The strong skill set in admin and finance that she brought to this role along with her focus on building relationships through excellent customer service was the inspiration for establishing BISI so others in the group and beyond could benefit from the exceptional service she could provide.
In her role as Asia Pacific Manager of BISI, she cultivates a very solid team ethic and recruits outstanding new staff who she trains to seamlessly join the group as the company expands.
Her interests include yoga and cooking and she takes a very active volunteering role in her community where BISI has become the major sponsor of her local orphanage.
Chici’s husband, Firman has a university degree in Economic Management and worked for many years in the finance industry, chiefly as Division Head of Service and Maintenance for Electronic Banking at several major financial institutions.
With a strong interest in IT and an entrepreneurial spirit, he decided to open one of the first cyber cafes in his home town from where he soon discovered the amazing potential the internet offered for globally connected business opportunities. So in 2009 as BISI was rapidly expanding and Chici was looking for a business partner, they decided to join forces and work together.
His technical skills and IT background proved an invaluable asset to BISI and in his role as Head of Operations, he ensures the smooth running of all the logistical aspects of the business.
In his spare time, he enjoys music and sports (volley ball, badminton and football).
Our Story
“As everyone in the strata industry knows Body Corporate Managers have to be part administrator, part accountant, part lawyer and part psychologist. Unfortunately we don’t get paid nearly as much as any of them.
When we started with Ace Body Corporate Management we were determined to live up to the Ace motto of delivering “Professional Personal Service” to an outstanding level, but this was easier said than done. We found that effective strata management involves juggling an overwhelming number of diverse tasks, and it was a constant struggle to keep all the balls in the air.”
– Andrew Jakes
The Problems We Faced
Continual Interruption – Phone\email\fax\walk ins – forcing us to be reactive rather than proactive and not in control of our working day.
Time management – Continually switching from one task to another is stressful, mentally exhausting and wastes a lot of time but it seemed to be unavoidable if you want to provide an efficient, responsive service to clients.
Getting caught up in the detail – spending a lot of time on simple repetitive tasks that could easily be done by someone else.
Developing the Solution
One of our Managers had a relative in Asia in the finance industry who had recently been made redundant from her job at a leading bank due to the GFC. We began by emailing her simple data entry, checking, organisational and letter writing tasks to do which she would email back. She proved so efficient that we were soon finding her more and more work, thereby freeing up increasing amounts of our time.
Realising the Potential with Technology
It soon became obvious that the further potential for what could be done was enormous with shared access to our software system and the recent emergence of secure remote access internet technology provided the key. Although it would be a complex and costly process to set up (we had to ensure the absolute security of our business data and the robustness and integrity of our system was maintained at all times), we knew the end benefits would make it worth our while.
Immediate Positive Impact
It was no mean feat but once the system was tried and tested and up and running it changed everything for us. We were still in a very tiny office and had recently tripled the number of buildings we managed after buying a strata roll. But we were able to manage it all easily as we handed over more of our day to day strata tasks.
Training Made Easy
When it reached the stage where there was too much work for just one extra person, more staff members were recruited to the BISI office. The beauty of this was that our original staff member then passed on her knowledge to the new people, meaning we did not have to get involved in the training process again.
Their Efficiency
We were constantly amazed at the efficiency of the way the whole operation worked. One of the main reasons for this was that their working environment was so different from ours. They were not being constantly interrupted from their tasks by owners, tenants, agents and suppliers etc. – all wanting them to do something else. They could focus 100% on the task they were doing and could organise their time in the most effective way.
With this in mind we realised that they were in a much better position than us to do a whole range of more complex tasks and indeed to take over the majority of the work involved in most of our daily tasks – e.g. producing owners’ certificates, updating the strata role, generating meeting notices, typing up minutes – the list goes on.
Their Expanding Role
As their efficiency and understanding of the nature of our business grew we saw that we could move to a whole new level together. They could initiate their own work and take over responsibility for entire areas of our business, developing their own procedures and best work practices in areas such as chasing levy arrears, filing insurance claims and insurance renewals.
Our Efficiency
In turn we found that our office also became a quieter, more orderly and stress free environment as it was so simple to stay on top of our work load and keep everything running like clockwork. Now it became easy to focus on the big picture. We had much more time and energy to devote to the areas of our work that are not “urgent” but are very “important” such as acquiring new business and maintaining good communication with our owners to ensure they remain satisfied clients.
Our Relationships
In the beginning the idea of having someone working for us from another country was a huge leap and it was hard to imagine how it would work. But as with anyone you communicate and work together with on a daily basis (through email, phone and Skype) we have established great working and personal relationships, sharing jokes and what’s happening in our day and our personal lives.
Our People
Our resource staff members are recruited through a vigorous selection process. They are all university graduates who are highly trained and experienced with very good English language skills. One of the major benefits of working with people from an emerging nation is that the job we offer represents a rare and valuable opportunity for a secure and well paid position for which they have an enormous appreciation. This is shown to us with their extreme respect, loyalty and dedication. And we find the trust we’ve placed in them is always returned. In other words we no longer have to worry about staff turnover (especially when the training of all new employees is handled by the existing staff).
Our premises are located in secure offices and manned by full-time security personnel. Access to our office is restricted to BISI staff only.
The Crux
of Outsourcing with BISI
Apart from being very cost-effective, it occurred to us that the real benefit of outsourcing these tasks was the amount of stress it took out of our workday alongside the time it gave us back (which we estimated was at least 4 – 5 days per month in man hours).
We started to utilize the extra time and mental space we now had to build better relationships leading to an upturn in referrals and subsequently an expansion of our portfolio. In other words, we were now finally “working ON our business not IN it”.
What is BISI?
BISI is an offshore Strata staffing solution that provides efficiencies, outcomes and savings for Strata Managers.
In simple terms BISI are your employees, it’s just that they are offsite. Cloud technology enables BISI to deal with your files and your systems as if they were sitting in your office.
Maximised efficiencies and significantly reduced wages and outgoings
No recruitment process, no training, no probation, no sick leave, holidays, sensitivities etc.
BISI allows your business to move forward in the development of your portfolio.
From $9 -$13 per hour.
Data Migration, New building Set Up, Portal Administration,
Database Updates, Insurance Renewals, Insurance Claims
Invoice Entry, Levy Arrears, Producing Certificates
Compliance Management, Draft Letters & Minutes, Electronic File Management

© Copyright 2020 | All Rights Reserved | BISI Australia -Business Integration Solutions International. PTY LTD | ABN : 28 140 314 549